OSPIVV Debunks Claim By Shell Of Winning Niger Delta Oil Spill Case


Re: Shell Wins Niger-delta Oil Spill Case In UK- Putting The Records Straight

The lead claimant/Executive Director of Oil Spill victims Vanguard, OSPIVV, Prince Harrison Jalla has come out to debunk a story written by Vanguard newspaper purportedly claiming that Shell has won the 2011 Oil Spill case against the claimants and people of Niger Delta.

Prince Jalla in a statement said “The attention of the oil spill victims vanguard OSPIVV has been drawn to the above caption of the Vanguard newspaper of 10th May 2023 and we are irked by such publication without facts. We want to state as follows: (1) That the UK Bonga oil spill case in claim No. HT-2017-000383 and HT-2020-000143 is ongoing before Justice O’Farrel OBE, KC in the Business and property courts of England and Wales Queens bench division) Technology and construction court. (2) That it is true that one leg of the matter that has to do with continuing tort was appealed to the UK supreme court by the claimants.

According to the statement from OSPIVV and made available This Online Newspaper, It read thus: The subject matter of which the claimants are contending is that since Shell did not do any clean up of the Bonga oil spill of December 20th 2011 that polluted their communities that the damage is accruing and its ongoing until date as long as the crude oil remains on their land. But the Supreme court disagreed with the claimants and ruled that the claimants can only be entitled to a one off damage claims within the limitation period of 5-6 years. The substantive matter remains and its ongoing before Justice O’Farrel.

“We state further that the report is misleading and the purpose for this rejoinder is to put the record straight.

“Shell couldn’t have won a case in which they deliberately refused to file a defence since 2017.

“We want to assure our people of Niger Delta that they should disregard such misleading information, be calm and wait the final judgement which is imminent”.


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