PIA: Oboroegbeyi Dumps Palace HCDTs, Supports Decentralisation Of HCDTs In Itsekiriland


PIA: Oboroegbeyi Dumps Palace HCDTs, Supports Decentralisation Of HCDTs In Itsekiriland


Former Chairman of the Ugborodo Community Trust (UCT), Augustine Oboroegbeyi, Esq., has opted out of the Host Community Development Trusts (HCDTs) put together in the Palace of the Olu of Warri, which he had vigorously supported before now.

However, at a tripartite meeting held in Abuja, Tuesday, January 16, 2024, between Chevron, host communities (Ugborodo Community, Deghele Community, Ugbegugun Community, Olero field Communities, Dibi field Communities) and presided over by the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) to resolve the lingering issue of non implementation and operationalization of the PIA in Itsekiriland, Oboroegbeyi changed his hitherto loyalty to the Olu’s Palace on the matter and opted for the decentralisation of the HCDTs in Itsekiriland in the overall interest and benefits of the host communities.

It is instructive to note that the issue of decentralisation has been central to the agitations of those opposed to the Palace HCDTs for Chevron and Shell.


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