Pep Guardiola has ‘done a lot of harm to football’ Capello Opines


Pep Guardiola has ‘done a lot of harm to football’ Capello Opines 


“You know what I don’t like about Guardiola? His arrogance. The Champions League he won with City is the only one where he didn’t try anything funny in the decisive matches.

“But all the other years, in Manchester and Munich, on key days, he always wanted to be the protagonist. He would change things and invent them so he could say: ‘It’s not the players who win, it’s me’. And that arrogance cost him several Champions Leagues. I respect him, but for me, it’s clear.

“Besides, even if it is no longer his fault, he has done a lot of harm to football. Because everyone spent ten years trying to copy him. It ruined Italian football, which lost its nature. I said: ‘Stop, you don’t have Guardiola’s players’! There was also the absurd idea that that was all there was to do to play well.

“A disaster and also a boredom that made many people flee from football, they only have to watch the highlights, why are you going to watch 90 minutes of passes and horizontal passes without fighting, without running…?

“Fortunately, football is changing. First of all, Spain changed it by winning the European Championship with two wingers and playing fast.”


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