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Shameless Delta APC Apologists In Fresh Propaganda Pranks

Shameless Delta APC Apologists In Fresh Propaganda Pranks


The M.O.R.E. Reality Group (MRG), devoted to supporting the well thought out and well intentioned M.O.R.E Agenda, acronym for: Meaningful Development, Opportunities for All, Realistic Reforms and Enhanced Peace and Security, of the Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori for the people, has watched with keen interest the series of buffeting releases in recent times by the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta, through some of its delusional surrogates like Ogaga Ovasa, aimed at undermining the efforts and good work that the Governor is doing.

MRG is sickened by the disingenuous disposition of these cretins to obfuscate issues and try to pander to emotions, through dishing out propaganda in the name of Press Releases just to confuse and possibly get unwary Deltans and the general public, who are daily assaulted by the very bad economic policies of the APC-led Federal Government to swallow its deceptive narrative.

Of course, MRG is not in any way amazed by the persistent eccentricity of the authors of the puerile taunts and comic roles; these have always been their stock in trade as they have positioned themselves as sworn enemies of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori and his administration.

Rather than bury their heads in shame and mull over the hunger, pain and all the suffering and trauma that the maladministration that the APC Federal Government has plunged Nigerians into, these extremists and fundamentalists have continued to issue press releases, numbering about four in one week, thus exposing how detached they are from the pathetic condition that the deliberately suffocating policy of the present Federal Government has put Nigerians and businesses into at this time.

Among the many claims of the clueless propagandists thrown against the administration of the M.O.R.E Apostle, Governor Sheriff Oborevwori are words like: “misgovernance”, “economic mismanagement”, “financial recklessness,” which they have quite callously dumped on the door step of President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration to “crippling debts that successive PDP administrations have driven Delta State into,” which they draped the PDP with, up until the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori just over one year tenure.

As observers of these diatribes, MRG seeks first of all, to set the records straight about the worthless brouhaha, which has been made over the debt servicing/repayment initiative of the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration.

First, renowned economists all over the world, will confirm that debt repayment or servicing is one of the most strategic policies to reduce Interest Costs by freeing up funds that can be allocated to other areas such as infrastructure, healthcare, education, or social welfare programs, just as the administration of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori is doing presently.

Second, Debt repayment also improves the credibility of any administration in the global financial community as a serious minded and progressive administration, which will enjoy the respect and attention of financial institutions, since its only a well run economy that can embark on debt servicing and still maintain its developmental vision and focus for the welfare and well being of its citizens, as well as encourage and attract investors to the State.

Again, debt repayment/servicing not only stabilizes the economy by reducing the risk of a debt crisis that could negatively impact the implementation of the plans of the administration, prioritizing debt repayment, as against the penchant of borrowing, demonstrates fiscal responsibility and discipline and it is on record that the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration has not borrowed money since it assumed office on May 29, 2023.

Finally, it is also important to educate the illiterate APC spokesperson and other armchair critics, that debt repayment has created a systemic fiscal leverage, which the administration has been utilizing for investments in public infrastructure like the completion of ongoing projects, the robust infrastructural development going on across the three Senatorial zones in the state and the amazing construction work by the renowned Julius Berger firm of the three flyovers in the Warri axis, already progressing with impressive speed.

It has also given the Oborevwori administration the latitude to embark on and support critical and selected social programmes like the M.O.R.E Grants Scheme, the D-Cares and other empowerment programmes and emergency events and schemes which have already impacted positively on hundreds of thousands of Deltans and will continue to position Delta State in the top tier of the most favoured and attractive states in the country.

All these point to the incontrovertible fact that the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori administration, in maintaining the debt repayment/servicing obligation, has exhibited commendable and prudent financial management of its funds, by not only ensuring fiscal fluidity and stability, but most importantly, doing so by sustaining an impressive balance with other economic considerations, such as promoting growth, maintaining public services, and addressing social needs.

It is based on the above economic paradigms and truism that MRG sees the misapplied use of the word ‘misgovernance’ as laughable, especially coming at this disquieting times when there’s a groundswell of national outrage from Nigerian youths and adults; men and women, with a call to #EndBadGovernance, unleashed by the President Bola Tinubu-led APC Federal Government, on Nigerians.

The protest exposed the APC-led Federal Government’s underbelly as a government that lacks initiative on how to resolve the challenges bedeviling the nation; challenges that were deliberately imposed on Nigerians by one statement, uttered in one bellicose moment of pseudo-rational, unscripted, egomaniacal narcissism; challenges that have debased the person of every Nigerian and made life difficult for the people.

Ogaga Ovasa did not see anything abnormal with the APC being in power for over nine locust years, which has clandestinely transformed Nigeria into a country overrun by waves of insecurity that have left farmers languishing in IDP camps and driven away from their ancestral homes.

It means nothing to the yeye propagandist that its Federal Government that announced the removal of fuel subsidy, is bereft of the know-how about what to do to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal; the same person who sponsored and led the #OccupyNigeria protests in its vainglorious effort to cripple the President Goodluck Jonathan administration, over the same fuel subsidy removal, which they have come full circle to implement.

Today, the chickens have come home to roost Nigerians are miffed that the Federal Government had to unconscionably float the Naira in an economy that is neither productive no innovative but has continued to stumble from one experimentally damaging policy to another, thus leaving millions of our people in pain and hunger.

Indeed, Nigerians know that the APC, after its disastrous nine years of “Saint” Buhari is no longer a Party to be taken seriously not only because it lacks the moral impetus to accuse the Delta State PDP Government of misgovernance, but most unfortunately for the sheer shameless impunity and misleading audacity with which Ogaga Ovasa attempted to bypass the retrogressive years of the Buhari administration and vilify the Goodluck Jonathan administration, for Nigeria’s woes.

For Nigerians, APC, a party whose Federal Government is now dispensing wickedness and maladministration is the one that its clueless propagandists are engaged in tell tales of “misgovernance” against a well focused PDP administration in Delta that has brought measured peace and tranquility to the State.

The Delta PDP Publicity Secretary, Engr. Dan Ossai in his very cerebral, articulate and well researched response to an earlier verbiage by this same APC extremist, detailed quite robustly, how the Buhari administration ruined Nigeria, as presented by its own officials first Zainab Ahmed, the former Minister of Finance under Buhari, who openly admitted in 2021 that, revenues were low and so were federal allocations to the States and Local Governments.

She said: “The crash of the crude oil prices really hit us very hard in terms of revenue. We have very low revenues, we have very high expenditures. What we have done so far is just to provide some stability to make sure salaries are paid, pensions are received every month; that we send funds to the judiciary and the legislature; that we meet our debt service obligations. That’s what we are doing. It also means we have had to borrow more than we have planned.

“It is a very difficult time. I cannot explain to you how difficult it is, not just for the Federal Government but also for the States. We see increasing reductions in our FAAC revenues. So, FAAC reduces and whenever FAAC reduces, it is a very difficult situation.”

Indeed, not only did the federal government try to sustain the economy purely on loans and more loans which were not applied to productive sectors nor effectively and equitably to infrastructural development, it also resorted to printing money which is the worst style of economic management.

The current Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Wale Edun, during a Senate Committee hearing in March 2024, regaled Nigerians with the sordid picture of how the APC mismanaged the national economy, from 2015 to 2023.

Listen to Wale Edun: “It came from eight years of just printing money not matched by productivity. It’s not like when you earn dollars, and you free the naira alongside it. We are going to audit even the N22.7 trillion printed aimlessly. The consequence of the eight years of printing money without productivity is high inflation confronting the country now,” he said..

Governor Sheriff Oborevwori has decided with great political determination and authority not to borrow, but is also at the same time, paying up and reducing the financial obligations of Delta State in order to safeguard the State from the kind of debt service burden that has crippled the nation under the leadership of the APC. Governor Oborevwori has saved over N205 billion through financial efficiency and gone on to reduce the State debt profile by N180 billion.

Such commitment is not only noble, but can only be executed through a deep sense of leadership responsibility and financial prudence as Oborevwori is demonstrating and it is these achievements in the financial management of the State that the APC is quarreling with.

Even God knows that the APC-led Federal Government is wicked. The clue that APC Federal Government is run by heartless persons can be found in the Book of Proverbs 29: 2, where God said: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

Since APC stole and has continued to steal Nigeria’s Presidency through a well orchestrated abracadabra and the subsequent magical realism of electoral and judicial conjurations, Nigerians have been groaning.

Sadly, the administration of Muhammadu Buhari, as terrible as it was, never never received any criticism from the then National Leader of the party, now President Bola Tinubu. Never did he ever rein in the Buhari administration with a view to calling it to order against malevolent policies of the administration. Instead, Tinubu, during his presidential campaigns, promised to continue from where Buhari’s administration stopped.

Today, Nigerians have now seen how President Bola Tinubu has fulfilled that campaign promise and are feeling it first hand in their homes, in their pockets, and their lives. Nigerians are now wiser, seeing the Tinubu administration dispensing policies without human face, leaving the millions of our teeming masses to groan in hunger and abject poverty.

One had expected the APC propagandists to at least show remorse to Nigerians; but no, they will not. They prefer, out of sheer cluelessness, obdurate arrogance, diversionary misinformation and a provocative attempt with puerile insults, to try to distract Nigerians and Deltans with talks about “misgovernance” when their Party is the very epitome of “misgovernance”, to use their word.

It is the height of mischief for the APC propagandists to speak of “misgovernance” by the PDP in Delta State, when a critical appraisal of the archive will reveal a stretch, replete with records of the good and beneficial deeds of the successive PDP administrations in the State.

The Chief James Onanefe Ibori administration transformed the State from its fledgling underdeveloped status akin to that of a glorified Local Government, into a State worthy of the name and description, empowering the workforce and opening up the three Senatorial districts with roads and other sectoral infrastructure. Higher institutions were established to ease admission bottlenecks of Delta youths eager for tertiary education, and Delta bubbled as the big heart of the country.

Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan came and upped the ante of development with his administration’s three-point agenda which successfully addressed the issues of peace and security; human capital development and infrastructure improvement and became the rallying point for socio-economic development which impacted positively on lives of Deltans. He then initiated the futuristic template of Delta Beyond Oil; an initiative which had the vision to deploy and appropriate earnings from oil to develop the infrastructure and other non-oil sectors in the economy which will inturn, provide multiple strings of income for the State and for the people.

Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa built on transforming the State further with the Five-Point Agenda and Delta, as well as Nigeria, was well on the path of building on the already developmental platforms laid down by the PDP government and achieving tremendous national growth and global recognition, and then Buhari and the APC happened to us like the 10 plagues in biblical Egypt and Nigerians were plunged into increasing hardship and suffering, as we groped from one disaster of misgovernance to another until we got to where we are today.

The concern and expectation of Deltans and Nigerians is that they want to be eased from the harrowing economic hardship foisted on them by the bad policies of the APC-led Federal Government, in the last Nine years which have come increasingly draconian with Nigerians starring at a bleak future in the months and years ahead.

This is the main issue that has brought Deltans and people of Nigeria into cries and lamentations against the Emilokan administration of the APC-Federal Government, so much so that many Nigerians go hungry without meals for days, while transportation costs are unaffordable because of the high cost of fuel imposed on the nation through a not well thought out policy of subsidy removal. All these culminated in the recent #Endbadgovernance protests which was a very loud cry of despair, anguish and frustration from Nigerians.

Propagandists like Ovasa Ogaga and his ilk should not carry their deception too far by trying to distract Nigerians from the misrule and shame of the APC-Federal Government. They should rather show patriotism and solidarity with Nigerians by bringing pressure on the administration of the former APC National Leader, now President Bola Tinubu to end the cruel administration’s strangulating economic policies that has reduced Nigerians to a shadow of themselves.

As for what Delta State is doing to justify its allocation, we’re glad to note that at least the likes of Ogaga Ovasa have admitted that Okpanam/Ibusa bypass and of course the Emevor/Orogun road and of course the Ultramodern state-of-the-art Federal High Court Complex have all been commissioned.

And to educate them further, only recently the Delta State Exco in pursuit of ensuring meaningful infrastructural development across Delta State, as enunciated in the MORE Agenda, approved the construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of a number of roads across the state ensuring that the new projects are distributed in such a way that all parts of the state – all Senatorial Districts and virtually 23 of the 25 Local Government Areas got at least one project.

The list of the projects speaks volumes of Sheriff’s commitment to fairness, equity and even distribution of projects.

1. Reconstruction of Ohoror-Bomadi Road: Ughelli North/Bomadi/Burutu LGAs;

2 . Construction of Olomoro-Igbide Road: Isoko South LGA.

3. Construction of Emevor-Ivrogbo-Orogun Road Phase 2: Isoko North/Ughelli North LGAs.

4. Otekpo Road, Ellu: Isoko North LGA.

5. Idumu-Etiti Street with a spur to Market Road, Owere-Olubo: Aniocha South LGA.

6. Rehabilitation and asphalt overlay of failed sections of NNPC Housing Complex Road: Uvwie LGA.

7. Ekeye-Ovedhe Close, Okumagba Layout: Warri South LGA.

8. General Hospital Road, Oghara: Ethiope West LGA.

9. Old Sapele/Warri Road from Amukpe Junction to Ikwuehu, with a spur to Ayemidejor Close: Sapele LGA.

10. Orerokpe-Okulohor-Oviri Road: Okpe LGA.

11. Osubi- Okuokoko Road and environs, Phase 1: Okpe/Uvwie LGA.

12. Internal roads and drains in Kurutie/Kurutie internal roads phase 2: Warri South West LGA.

13. Construction of Obitobon-Elolo-Ajaokurogbo-Orubu Road Phase 2, Ogidigben: Warri North LGA.

14. Iyke Oputa Street, Aboh: Ndokwa East LGA.

15. Construction of Issele-Azagba-Otulu Road: Aniocha North and South LGA.

16. Reclamation of gully erosion site along Okpanam-Ibusa bypass Road for the sustainability of the new road: Oshimili North LGA.

Exco also approved the renovation of over 150 Primary Health Care Centres across the state, and the purchase of two Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning machines, one each for the Central Hospital, Warri, and the Delta State University Teaching Hospital (DELSUTH), Oghara, meaning that several wards and Communities in virtually every Local Government Area would benefit from the health improvement investment and our people will no longer have to go to Onitsha or Benin to get first hand and first class medical attention and treatment.

In the same vein the Exco presided over by Governor Sheriff Oborevwori approved N3.55bn as counterpart funding for the 2024 Universal Basic Education Programme which is sure to benefit so many communities in all the Local Government Areas and Senatorial Districts.

Deltans are indeed lucky that, against this backdrop of APC national misgovernance over the years, we now have the baton holder of the administration today in His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, Governor of Delta State, who is doing marvelously well with his M.O.R.E. Agenda and for which Deltans and residents are pleased.

Governor Sheriff Oborevwori has demonstrated a stoic determination to manage Delta into a debt-free State and the relative increase in oil production output, spearheaded by the Enhanced Peace and Security component of the MORE Agenda has established sustainable peace and ensured efficient management of relations with oil producing communities.

Deltans know that Governor Sheriff Oborevwori is working very hard, especially in this early stage of his administration, and they are seeing the good governance in valuable measure.

Governor Sheriff will definitely do M.O.R.E for Deltans as the tenure unfolds.

Elder Godslove Preye,
National Chairman,
M.O.R.E. Reality Group,
Wrote in from Ojobo, Delta State.

3rd Coronation Anniversary: Dr Agbolaya Congratulates His Majesty Ogiame Atuwatse III, Olu Of Warri

3rd Coronation Anniversary: Dr Agbolaya Congratulates His Majesty Ogiame Atuwatse III, Olu Of Warri

By: Celestine Ukah 

The Special Adviser to Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori Governor of Delta State on Community Development, Amb. Dr. Toyin Orighomisan Agbolaya JP has extended his heartful felicitations to His Majesty Ogiame Atuwatse Iii, Commander Order of the Federal Republic, CFR as he marks his 3rd Coronation Anniversary Wednesday August 21, 2024

Amb. Dr. Agbolaya hailed the revered Warri Monarch for keeping Warri Kingdom peaceful which has attracted investors coming to invest under his domain since he ascended the prestige throne of his forefathers.

While commending the Warri Monarch, Dr. Agbolaya notes that since ascension to the throne, Ogiame Atuwatse Iii had also played a vital ole in various economic programs which is aimed at reviving trade and commerce in Warri kingdom.

The Governor’s Special Adviser on Community Development, described Atuwatse III as his Boss, Royal father of high revered personality whose reign has resulted in an improvement of lives of all under his kingdom.

Dr. Agbolaya stressed that His Majesty Atuwatse III, CFR has demonstrated excellent and significant leadership by conducting himself honestly adding that the King has also continued to serve as a source of inspiration and unity for the Itsekiri Nation, Deltans, and Nigerians at large.

He congratulated the adored Warri Monarch on behalf of his political family and associates,  wishing him, his Iwere (Itsekiri) people and lovers of Warri kingdom that are joining the Olu of Warri to celebrate a massive 3rd anniversary.celebration.

Kwale: When A Patient Dog Eats The Fattest Bone

Kwale: When A Patient Dog Eats The Fattest Bone


One thing about time is that it keeps ticking; so, it is important that, instead of watching the clock tick, one should just do what the time does – keep moving.

The Ndokwa nation had complained for several decades about its marginalisation with scant, if any, positive response.

Despite that, they kept moving, and, in a lot of ways, had recorded successes in several areas. For instance, the area produced the first Senator in Delta North Senatorial District in the present democratic dispensation in the person of Senator Patrick Enebeli Osakwe of blessed memory; the present Deputy Governor of Delta State, Sir Monday Onyeme, FCA, is also from that area.

Yet, that the area is quite marginalised is an understatement; it is a known fact that there is no significant provision of infrastructure in most of the communities in the area. In short, there are still communities in Ndokwa land that cannot be accessed by motor cars because of lack of motorable roads, even if they are earth roads.

For decades, the only Federal Government presence in the area are Police Stations and a Prison, now called Nigeria Correctional Centre, at Kwale.

The situation was so bad that the people were described as very peaceful, with firm faith in “waiting for the coconut to fall” philosophy, rather than climbing the coconut tree and plucking the ripe, and even the unripe, ones.

Ndokwa people are peace-loving, strong believers in the Almighty God (Chukwu Abeme, as He is more commonly called) and are very patient.

One of my friends, Hon. Uche Uraih, Ph.D, will always say, “Fidelis, every flower has its season,” and it seems that the season of Ndokwa people has come with the coming on board of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori as the Governor of Delta State as the area produced the current Deputy Governor of the state and the Federal Government’s presence (beyond Correctional Centre),is about to be felt by the people with the approval of a Federal University of Medical and Health Sciences, Kwale.

On Thursday, August 15, 2024, the Deputy Governor of Delta State, Sir Monday Onyeme, FCA, on behalf of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori and the people of Delta State, presented a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for the Federal University to the representative of the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman.

That ceremony formally signifies the need for the Federal Government to commence the development of the university.

It is worthy to state that the history of slave trade cannot also be complete without the mention of Aboh or Ndokwa in general. Olaudah Equiano, (the renowned former slave) who, as a child, was captured and sold into slavery from Ashaka in the present day Ndokwa East local government area of Delta State. He was the first slave to buy his freedom in London and was one man who worked seriously for the abolition of slave trade.

No doubt, Aboh, boomed as a trading town and great naval force before the arrival of the Europeans, and, in 1905, a formal colonial administrative office known as the Aboh Native Authority was established in Kwale. In 1952, it was renamed Aboh Division with its headquarter remaining in Kwale. The people are still complaining that while defunct Asaba Division was split into six local government areas, the then Aboh Division was split into three (the marginalization don tey).

Today, Kwale is the headquarter of Ndokwa West local government area of Delta State and plays host to several oil and gas companies. The area also hosts the largest Independent Power Plant (IPP) project (in Okpai) that is generating electricity to power many parts of the country; yet, the area remains in darkness, in terms of electricity, and lacks a lot of amenities.

For a long time, because of its huge contributions to the Federation Account, most people obviously believe that the Federal Government should do more for the people, especially in the area of providing basic amenities as electricity supply and motorable roads, among others, but since such was not visible, the Delta State government embarked on the construction of a bridge across the Ase Creek, an area which hitherto had a Pontoon that ferries heavy equipment of oil and gas-prospecting companies.

The Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori-led government has shown commitment towards the completion of the bridge; so, the joy of the people of the area was palpable when they heard that the Federal Government had approved a university to be located in the area; it is the first major Federal Government’s presence since independence as the Correctional Centre in the area pre-dates Nigeria’s independence.

Deputy Governor Monday Onyeme, FCA, beamed with smile all through when he received, on behalf of Governor Oborevwrori, the delegation of the Federal Government which paid him a courtesy call that fateful Thursday to collect the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for the university, saying, “we want to, first of all, on behalf of government and the good people of our dear state, thank the Federal Government for finding us fit to host a Federal University; this has been the dream of our people for many years and we are happy that it has come to fruition.”

Obviously, as an Ndokwa man, he was happy that such a project is coming to the state during his time as Deputy Governor.

Ndokwa is blessed with vast land to the extent that almost every community in the area is willing to donate land to government for development projects. This stems from the fact that most of the communities lack government projects and most of the amenities in some of the communities came as a result of communal or self-help efforts.

With the coming of Governor Oborevwori and the fact that his Deputy is from the area, there is hope that it is now time for the flower of Ndokwa people to once again, blossom and their coconut, which is also very ripe, to fall.

Speaking during the handing over of the land documents for the Federal University of Medical and Health Sciences, Kwale, to the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, Onyeme said, “we thank the Federal Government, especially, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and the Minister of Education, Prof Tahir Mamman, for finding us fit to be host to a Federal University.

“The establishment of a Federal University has been the dream of our people for many years and we are seeing it come to fruition.

“The sites given to you, the temporary site, which is 15 hectares, and the permanent site that is 200 hectares of land and, of course, we have also approved the use of the General Hospital, Kwale, as a take-off site for the teaching hospital.

“The state government is very willing and eager to partner the university to ensure a smooth take-off of academic activities and I want to assure you that the state government will work with you 100 per cent for you to succeed.

“What I will beg the Federal Ministry of Education to do is to keep the university on its toes, to push the university so that, together, we can move faster.

“On behalf of the government and the good people of Delta State, we hand over the documents showing and approving that Delta State and the good people of Kwale in Ndokwa West Local Government willingly and freely, without encumbrance, have given this parcel of land for the temporary and permanent sites for the use of Federal University of Medical and Health Sciences, Kwale, to you.

“This Certificate of Occupancy for the temporary site is 15 hectares of land and the Certificate of Occupancy for the permanent site is 200 hectares.”

He emphatically stated that there are two sites for the university- the temporary site, which is 15 hectares of land, and the permanent site, which measures 200 hectares of land.

The Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, who was represented at the occasion by the Director of Education, Mrs Rakiya Ilyasu Gambo, thanked Governor Oborevwori and Deltans for their commitment to the effective timely take-off of the university.

She disclosed that she and members of her team were impressed with what they saw during the site inspection, disclosing that they visited the temporary and the permanent sites of the university as well as the General Hospital.

The days ahead hold a lot of promises for the people of Ndokwa and Deltans in general and we look forward to the speedy take-off of the university and expect more government presence in Ndokwaland, an area that is blessed with peaceful, accommodating people and is quite rich in oil and gas resources.

Certainly, with Governor Sheriff Oborevwori and Deputy Governor Monday Onyeme on the saddle of governance in Delta State, the state is in safe hands.

God bless Delta State.


MORE Agenda: Actively engage Companies, private sectors operating in your communities, Dr. Agbolaya charges EAs, SSAs, SAs others

MORE Agenda: Actively engage Companies, private sectors operating in your communities, Dr. Agbolaya charges EAs, SSAs, SAs others

*Says Peaceful environment key to CSR, Community Development

The Special Adviser to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State on Community Development, Amb. Dr. Toyin Orighomisan Agbolaya JP has charged Executive Assistants, Senior Special Assistants, Special Assistants and other Political Appointees under his office to specially engage Companies, private sectors and other ventures in order to help manifest the MORE Agenda of the Governor.

Dr. Agbolaya gave the charge Thursday August 15, 2024 when he hosted his first meeting with the SSAs, EAs and SAs at his office in Asaba the Delta State capital.

Amb. Dr. Agbolaya addressing appointees  during the meeting 

Dr. Agbolaya appreciated Governor Oborevwori for the appointment and pledged to execute his duties with dedication and integrity as well contributing positively to the Delta State Community Development Initiatives.

He urged all political appointees under community development to embrace unity and collaboration, while emphasizing that only through collective effort and mutual support that expected positive outcomes for communities can be achieved.

The Governor Oborevwori’s Special Adviser on Community Development notes the importance of Peaceful coexisting/operating environment for Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR in attracting community development, stressing that the government cannot achieve societal development alone, hence collaborating with the private sector is always key for sustainable growth and development in the state and anywhere.

Dr. Agbolayah reaffirmed his commitment to youth development, assuring that efforts to advance the welfare and opportunities for young people in Delta State would be top among priorities in line with the Rt. Hon. Oborevwori MORE Agenda in advancing the youths in Delta.

Dr. Agbolaya receiving files & other documents from Mr. Adilike, while others observe 

The meeting also witnessed formal handover of files to Dr Toyin Agbolayah by the head of administration Festus Adilike in the Office of Community Development.

CEPEJ National Coordinator, Chief Mulade decorated as ICC Patron


CEPEJ National Coordinator, Chief Mulade decorated as ICC Patron


Indigenous Correspondents’ Chapel (ICC), Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Delta State Council has decorated one of Delta-born activist, Comrade Chief Sheriff Mulade an environmental activist of note and National Coordinator, Centre For Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ), as one of its patrons.

The United Nations (UN) Ambassador, who doubles as the Ibe-Serimowei of Gbaramatu Kingdom) Kingdom Lifter of the Great Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri south west local government area of the State, was honoured for his commitment towards peace in the Niger Delta, youth empowerment, media support and for always seeking for improved welfare of the people.

Chief Mulade was decorated as ICC Patron by the Chapel Chairman, Kenneth Orusi, on Thursday August 15, 2024, at CEPEJ Corporate Office, Ugolo-Okpe, Okpe local government area of the State.

While speaking, Comrade Orusi hinted that “we are here today, to decorate you as a patron of the Chapel.

“You were not selected because we wanted to fill a vacuum but because we have followed your antecedents as not just the voice of the voiceless but your tentacles spread across not just the State but across Nigeria, and the globe.

“As a Chapel, we are critics of government policies and programmes that are meant to benefit the grassroot and we see in you, someone that is actually trending on same path of activists that are doing their jobs.

“We equally looked at you campaigns for the welfare of the people around the coastal areas where the crude oil that actually feeds the nation comes from. So, we didn’t have any issue selecting you as our Patron”.

Orusi, expressed believe that Comrade Mulade’s strong advocacy for the creation of an agency known as Coastal Areas Development Agency (CADA), to look into the development of the Coastal communities in the State, may have led to the creation of the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure by the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration, following the support he gave to CADA, while he was Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA).

He called on the Chapel Patron to rise up to the challenge and put the government on its toes so that the Directorate won’t suffer under funding as seen in previous governments.

“We are using this opportunity and platform to call on you that you should not rest particularly now that this ministry has been created, it gives you more opportunity for more advocacy. We have seen situation where government create agencies or parastatal but were not funded.

“It is time for you to raise your voice to see that the Directorate of Riverine Infrastructure is adequately funded and our brother is given the opportunity and privilege to do the work behind the establishment of the agency.”

Orusi, tasked him on the need for peace to return to Okoloba and Okuama communities in Bomadi and Ughelli south local government areas of the State and other communities were there are pockets of crisis and insecurity particularly in the Riverine communities.

In his response, the UN Peace Ambassador and Environmental activist, Comrade Mulade, thanked the leadership of the Chapel for finding him worthy to be considered as patron of the Chapel.

“Let me congratulate your Chapel for this laudable initiative. I am a bit short of words because I didn’t expect this.

“I am open to every progressive forum. My vision and calling is to support every progressive organization, movement, society or nation. I have not even contributed enough to the society as I want. However, I want to thank you for finding me worthy of this position.

“I want to assure you that I will not disappoint you, I will not fail you. We will do everything humanly possible to support and assist the Chapel.

“Like I said, my organization’s door, is open and as a person, my individual door is also open. Whenever you need our attention, do not hesitate to reach out so that we can continue to move together to contribute to the betterment of the State”, he said.

Plateau State Government Lifts Curfew In Jos-Bukuru Metropolis

Plateau State Government Lifts Curfew In Jos-bukuru Metropolis


The Plateau State Government has fully lifted the curfew imposed on Jos-Bukuru Metropolis, following the peaceful conduct of residents and an improvement in the security situation.

His Excellency, Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang, had imposed a 24-hour curfew on the area after thorough consultations with security agencies, in response to hoodlums attempting to hijack the nationwide protest in the state.

The decision to lift the curfew was made after a review with security agencies, which allows citizens to resume their economic and lawful activities while maintaining public order.

Governor Mutfwang expressed deep gratitude to the people of Plateau State for their steadfast patriotism and cooperation during this challenging period. He assured them of his unwavering commitment to their well-being.

The Governor also commended the security personnel for their dedication and effective enforcement of the curfew. He called for continued collaboration between residents and security agencies to ensure the safety of lives and property across the state.

Gyang Bere
Director of Press and Public Affairs to the Executive Governor of Plateau State
August 15, 2024.

NUJ Sapele Chapel Affirms Positive Relationship with Council Chairman Amidst Media Misreporting

NUJ Sapele Chapel Affirms Positive Relationship with Council Chairman Amidst Media Misreporting

By: Nelson Agbajor

In a recent development that underscores the harmonious relationship between the media and local governance, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Sapele Correspondents’ Chapel has officially disassociated itself from a misleading online publication alleging threats by Sapele Local Government Chairman, Hon. Chief Bright Abeke. This move highlights the Chapel’s commitment to maintaining integrity and promoting constructive engagement with local Leadership.

The Sapele NUJ Chapel has been thrust into the spotlight following an online post by a Facebook page identified as “Real Sapele Amebo,” which falsely accused Hon. Chief Bright Abeke of threatening the union. The NUJ Sapele Chapel swiftly responded with a formal disclaimer, emphasizing that no such incident occurred and that the union had no knowledge or evidence of any threats made by the chairman.

In their statement, the NUJ Sapele Chapel vehemently denied any claims of discord between the union and the council chairman. They articulated their disappointment with the publication, condemning it as a “careless media act” that risks tarnishing the reputation of both the union and its relationship with local governance.

Comrade Nelson Agbajor, Chairman of the NUJ Sapele Chapel, and Comrade Rita Daniel, Assistant Secretary, both underscored the Chapel’s longstanding tradition of collaboration with local authorities. Their recent meeting with Hon. Chief Bright Abeke on August 12th was, in fact, a gesture of goodwill. The meeting was intended to congratulate Abeke on his recent electoral victory and to foster a cooperative relationship moving forward.

This positive interaction aligns with the NUJ Sapele Chapel’s history of working harmoniously with past council chairmen. The union expressed its eagerness to extend its support to Abeke’s administration, reinforcing their commitment to constructive journalism and supportive local governance.

The NUJ Sapele Chapel’s swift and decisive action in addressing the misinformation serves as a reminder of the importance of professionalism in journalism. By publicly disassociating itself from the false claims and reaffirming its supportive stance towards the council chairman, the Chapel demonstrates its dedication to ethical reporting and transparent communication.

The NUJ Sapele Chapel’s leadership also urged the public and media practitioners to avoid sensationalism and unprofessional conduct that could damage reputations and relationships. Their stance promotes a culture of respect and mutual understanding, crucial for effective governance and community engagement.

The recent statement by the NUJ Sapele Chapel not only clarifies the situation regarding the alleged threats but also reaffirms their positive and supportive relationship with Hon. Chief Bright Abeke and his administration. As local media continues to play a pivotal role in shaping public discourse, the Chapel’s actions highlight the importance of maintaining professional standards and fostering collaborative relationships with local leaders.

Through their commitment to integrity and constructive engagement, the NUJ Sapele Chapel sets a commendable example of how media organizations can contribute to a more informed and harmonious community.

I am very grateful to Governor Oborevwori for appointing me as S.A on Security- Comrade OrevaOghene

I am very grateful to Governor Oborevworii for appointing me as S.A on Security- Comrade OrevaOghene


**Oborevwori is the only governor that has foresight to put bridge across key points of Delta State- Concerned friend of OrevaOghene Chairman- Omovonotu


By: Celestine Ukah.


The newly appointed Special Assistant, SA to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori on Security, Comrade OrevaOghene Olodia Isaac has expressed his appreciation to Rt. Hon. Oborevwori for appointing him as one of his aide in his administration.

Comrade OrevaOghene Olodia Isaac gave the appreciation Monday August 12, 2024 in Warri when he played host members of his Concerned Friends, he lauded the friends for the visit and identification with him.

Comrade OrevaOghene whilst thanking the Concerned Friends, pledged to work hard in Synergy with other security agencies in making sure there’s peace and security in Warri and Delta State at large in line with the MORE agenda of Governor Oborevwori.

He urged investors to take advantage of the existing peace in Warri and come in with their investment as they are assured of addeguate protection on their various investments.

The Governor Oborevwori SA Security commended the good administrative capacity of the Warri South Local Government Council Chairman, Comrade Weyinmi Agbateyiniro, assuring him of robust partnership in making Warri great again as well as the actualization of his MoRE GRACE Agenda in line with the Governor Oborevwori focus on MORE Agenda manifestation across the state.

Comrade OrevaOghene said as part of effort to rebrand Warri, those projecting Warri and Delta State in negative light should desist henceforth especially comedians and others in the entertainment industry and its alike.

He as well used the opportunity to caution criminal and anyone intending to flee away from Warri and Delta as state as the area won’t be conducive for their nefarious activities going forward.

Comrade Omovonotu

Chairman of Concerned Friends of Comrade OrevaOghene, Mr. Oghenekevwe Omovonotu says Oborevwori is the only governor that has the foresight to put bridge across the key points of Delta State, he commended him for appointing their friend as his Aide on Security.

Mr. Omovonotu a Marine expert based in Warri, said Comrade Oreva has been working very hard before now and will do more, he hailed Governor Oborevwori and want him to continue till 2031, that the people of Warri, Delta State loves him and his good governance style


Read the poetic, eulogizing message from COCOSA National President, Enijuni to Pa. Inekuku @90

Read the poetic, eulogizing message from COCOSA National President, Enijuni to Pa. Inekuku @90


The Soft, Succulent and Eloquent queens English poured out from your mouth reminds me of the yesteryears of the novel “Telephone Conversation”. You are truly a COCOSA octogenarian at heart, from when I come under your tutelage and guidance, you have shown an exemplary leadership per excellent no wonder you were conferred as the oldest man and leader of your community Igwremarho.

You have shown that even when others were canvasing not to pay their monthly dues after attaining the age of 65, you took the bold step that you will pay your own so as to have a voting right and voice to speak whenever necessary.

Your decisions were forthright and decisive in every situation.

Barr Inekuku hasn’t faltered, he has COCOSA running on his vein, he is a true and generous to the extent he even pays more in every occasion we attended.

He loves to give and at 90 he still loves driving, oh what a good health Almighty God has bestowed upon him.
Of Mind
And Body
Long Life
And Prosperity
Cheers to a COCOSA Nonagenarian @90

Paris Olympics: SWAN calls For State Of Emergency On Sports, Says team Nigeria’s woeful performance not acceptable

Paris Olympics: SWAN calls For State Of Emergency On Sports, Says team Nigeria’s woeful performance not acceptable

The Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) has described the performance of Team Nigeria at the 2024 Olympic Games as far below expectations.

A statement by SWAN President, Mr. Isaiah Benjamin, through the Association’s Secretary-General Amb. Ikenna Okonkwo, Tuesday August 13, 2024, said it was unacceptable for Nigeria to return from the just concluded Olympics without a medal.

The Association attributed the massive failure of the country in Paris to largely administrative incompetence and negligence which were obvious after Nigeria’s highly rated Track and Field Athlete, Favour Ofili’s name was found missing from the list of those meant to compete in the 100m event.

With the outcome of the Games, SWAN wondered why so many promises of medal haul were dished out by the Sports authorities when they were very much aware that there was nothing on ground, including the level of preparation to guarantee a podium performance.

“Before Games, Nigerians were meant to believe that all was well when the Sports Ministry kept assuring that the performance of Nigeria at 2024 Olympics would surpass the country’s best ever outing at the Atlanta 1996 edition.

“The entire media fraternity in Nigeria was equally surprised to hear that the reason Nigeria didn’t perform optimally in Paris was due to lack of preparation as various Sports Federations, as it has now been exposed that the Federations only focused on ensuring that their athletes qualified for the Olympics but did nothing to prepare them for Olympics performance.

“The result from Paris goes to show that so much needed to be done that were not put in place, despite the huge amount of tax payers money that was made available by the federal government just for only participation.

“This circle has to be put to a stop because it is now obvious that Nigeria’s Sports needs a breath of fresh air.

“It is a well known fact that sporting talents abound in Nigeria but the management of these talents leaves so much to be desired. In the past and even at the just concluded Olympics, Nigerians, some of them who had competed for Nigeria, switched allegiance to other countries and did so well to win medals,” the statement said.

The SWAN leadership therefore called on the Federal Government to as a matter of urgency restructure the entire sporting sector and ensure that only people who have the knowledge and passion for the sector are given the opportunity to operate in such a critical sector.

“Sports is now a huge business venture in other parts of the world. So, to avoid a repeat of what happened in Paris Olympics, the Nigerian Sports sector has to be opened up for professionals and business minded persons to step in and salvage the situation.

“Nigeria has a reservoir of personalities who are doing very well within and outside the country that have all it takes to uplift Nigerian Sports so that the youths who are mostly the worst hit in terms of unemployment and societal restiveness can make an honest living on the sector”.

However, SWAN also reminded the leadership of the Sports Ministry on the need to expedite action in unravelling the cause of previous administrative lapses at global competitions, especially as it concerns the inability of Ofili to take part in the 100m event in Paris.

“Dealing with administrative issues bedeviling Nigerian Sports will actually be the fulcrum upon which the resurrection and development of Sports in the country will be hinged on.

“That Nigeria’s Sports development is still backward is because necessary administrative bottlenecks have not been diagnosed and treated accordingly.”

SWAN also called for early preparation to 2028 Olympics to avoid the pitfalls of the past.

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